• Servizi Cittadino

    Il Consorzio Elettra 2000 offre una serie di servizi gratuiti dedicati al cittadino che desidera approfondire le sue conoscenze in materia di bioelettromagnetismo. Tra queste, l’accesso al materiale presente sul sito, la newsletter informativa ed il servizio interattivo “Esperto risponde”.

  • Servizi Pubbliche amministrazioni

    Il Consorzio Elettra 2000 supporta le Pubbliche Amministrazioni nel perseguimento dei propri obiettivi per quanto concerne il confronto con il mondo delle imprese e con i singoli cittadini, o nelle attività di monitoraggio campi elettromagnetici sul territorio.

  • Servizi Aziende

    Il Consorzio Elettra 2000 fornisce consulenza alle aziende per attività di misura e di adeguamento degli ambienti di lavoro alla normativa vigente in materia di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, unitamente ad attività di informazione e formazione rivolta a lavoratori e RSPP.


  • Servizi Scuole

    Negli ultimi anni, da parte del Consorzio c’è stata un’apertura nei confronti del mondo della Scuola che ha portato all’organizzazione di giornate di formazione per docenti e ad una serie di attività didattico formative rivolte agli studenti delle Scuole di ogni ordine e grado.

Sicurezza sul lavoro

Calendario eventi

May 2024
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Elettra 2000 activities o are divided into two different areas: science and society.

Scientific Activity

Initiatives and Research Projects

Elettra 2000 promotes researches and studies related to specific areas of interest. In particular, the consortium co-finances a number of national and international projects devoted to the study of the effects of electromagnetic fields on human health, in order to provide an authoritative scientific answer, fair and independent to the problem.

Scientific knowledge transfer

Elettra 2000 website is continuously updated and has an extremely simplified structure that is easily accessible even to novice users.

Experts training

Elettra 2000 organizes courses oriented to the training of technical, medical and administrative staff and proposes projects of educational activities for control structures (ARPA, ASL) and local administrations. Courses are structured in modules with different paths and contents according to the user's requests and received ECM accreditation from the Italian Department of Health as part of the national project of medical operators training.


Spread of scientific information

Elettra 2000 organizes and promotes meetings, seminars and studies caracterized by a high scientific profile. Moreover, the Consortium has got its own library with more than 500 texts in Italian and foreign languages, some rare, dealing with topics related to Bioelectromagnetics. The texts are available for free upon request via a document delivery service.

Socio-communicational activities

Information campaigns

Elettra 2000 arranges communication activities through the promotion of conferences, seminars and public events, both local and international. The initiatives mainly aim to focus the theme of the perception of risk due to exposure to electromagnetic fields.


BluShuttle vehicle

Elettra 2000 coordinated, on behalf of the former Ministry of Communications, the activities of Blushuttle. BluShuttle is a minicar designed for selective and capillary communication activities associated with electromagnetic fields measurements. The minicar has got the equipment for a real-time realization of demonstrative measures of ELF and RF electromagnetic fields and it is available for local authorities requesting it. The passare of BluShuttle can be combined with other initiatives of information.

Educational Projects

Elettra 2000 has launched some initiatives, aimed primarily at high schools, such as the promotion of the contest "Electromagnetic Fields and Society", approved and supported by the Ministry of Education, and the realization of lectures and demonstrations on electromagnetic fields and measures to be held at school.


Support to Local Authorities


Elettra 2000 carries out support activities to Public Administrations in order to attain its objectives in contact with citizens and business. Elettra provides the training of technicians and administrators in relation to the normative, permitting procedures in force and provides guidelines for the enactment of local regulations and the preparation of spatial localization for the development of telecommunications networks.

Professionally Exposed Protection

Elettra 2000 provides advices to enterprises for purposes of measuring and adjusting the workplaces to the new legislation on the safety of workers regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields.


Measurements and exposure assessment

Elettra 2000 owns modern fleet of instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields in both low and high frequency. The recognized competence in the field of instrumental detection and analysis of electromagnetic modeling through assessments, are available to both institutional and private entities in order to promote the improvement of standards of protection and safety of people and environment.

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